Hire high ROI professionals in less than 14 days or you don’t pay.

We help UK, US & EU businesses build high-impact teams for up to 80% less cost.
Our Promise?

Hire in just 14 days without lifting a finger.

World-class candidates

We recruit.

We review 1,000+ applicants per month.

We filter them through a 6 stage application process.

Only 1.5% that apply get hired.

Carefully curated

We introduce.

We share 3-5 candidates match fit for your role.

You review their CV and video introductions.

You interview your favourite candidates.

Hire within 14 days

We handover.

We prepare your new employee(s) for handover.

We set a time and date and ensure you’re ready.

We give you the starting steps for success.

Valued partnership

We partner.

We become the HR department for your VA2U staff.

We provide access to our project based talent.

We recruit for all your next hires.

Time to impact?

Hire affordable staff with up to 15 years experience!


Happy clients.


Professionals successfully placed.


Clients annual saving.

In the last 3 years, we have successfully placed 100+ professionals across 50+ growing businesses saving them collectively £1M+ annually.


The talent you can expect.

How we help Mango Media save £3,000+ per month.

Mango Media are a creative marketing agency based in Europe.


Current VA Team Size


Monthly VA Team Cost


Monthly Local Team Cost...

Mango Media faced a significant challenge. High taxes and the steep cost of hiring in Europe were making it nearly impossible for them to scale their business. With demand for their services skyrocketing, they urgently needed to build a team—but their local hiring options left them feeling stuck...

That’s when they found us!

They hired Mel first in just 14 days, then Kaye straight after 14 days later!

Now they’re looking for a third!

Hear their voices.

Let's get started

We do it with you, or do it for you.

Trusted by the most trusted brands

3x recruitment tokens
Tailor fit candidates for your needs
Guarantee — 5x FREE candidate replacements
HR (attendance, progression, welfare & community)
Payroll services done-for-you
Free access to project based professionals
Free consulting upfront and quarterly check in calls
Instant access to experienced professionals
Processing fee’s included
1-1 Interviews
Up to 20% discounts for annual contracts

You may have some questions...

Here’s our FAQs

Where are you staff from?

We recruit our staff from all around the world. Our focus is on finding people who fit the high skill low cost category, meaning our clients can benefit from cost effective labour without the headache.

What happens if it doesn’t work?

There is no world where this can’t work. The Limitless Staff Framework ensures that whatever inevitable issues you may face when hiring are resolved ASAP and are out of hand.

Do you find me people with my desired skill sets and experiences?

Yes, we only match candidates with your exact requirements. We focus on skill sets, experience, geographical placements and seniority!

How can I save £15k per year per person?

There are 2 main factors that contribute to this. The first is the reduced salary expense! As we hire on a global scale, you can expect to save thousands on their salaries alone.

The second is taxes and government contributions! Because you’re paying for the service provided by your hire, and not directly onboarding them, you don’t have to pay NIC, PAYE, or pension contributions. On top of that, the service then acts as a tax write off for your business. Contributing to an average annual saving of £15,000 (for UK businesses), and even more for high tax EU based businesses.